- my ramblings of clutter, collecting and selling, thrifting, scavenging, recreating, , my etsy and ebay adventures, things I love and things I hate and growing old through it all

Sunday, December 21, 2008

December 21st (only 4 more days to go)

Yes, it's the first day of the blog Ramona's Clutter. The before New Year's resolution - Start a blog. Now what?

Let's discuss the point of my blog -
1. Venting - they say by writing things down, it will let all the "crap and clutter" out of your mind. Please let this be true. I have a lot of clutter in there but certainly more crap than needed!

Ramona's vent of the day - OK, it's 4 days until Xmas. The house is decorated. Yippee! The tree looks beautiful.

I have only bought one present. I'll be off tomorrow at 6:30 am to do it all. I do this every year. People think the mall is crazy. But at 6:30 am, it's like they opened it for you. There are only a few crazy people like me that go that early. I'll be done and home by 8:30 (knock on wood).

2. Talk about my loves - clutter, thrifting, junking, collecting vintage things to sell on etsy http://www.etsy.com/index.php (and hide in drawers), gardening, my pets (including husband and children)

3. Talk about the things I hate - clutter, complication, complicated computer programs, complicated directions in more than one language to cell phones, sewing machine, put together furniture and perky people who smile all the time (especially on TV like Rachel Raye. Does she ever have a bad day or bad mood? Screw her EVOO and garbage bowl)

4. Show pictures of gardens, vintage things, funny things, things I love and things I hate

5. Maybe the most important - talk about finding treasures, favorite shops and artists. I hope to have open a shop on etsy as well as keep my ebay business going. This is where I sell my clutter.

I sell a lot on craigslist. I might even have a small following of repeat customers. But I need to get
the excess things out of this house. As the saying goes - "You can't organize clutter, you can only get rid of it!"


  1. Hi Ramona, I Met you over at the Vintage Village. I am not too busy to check out this blog of yours. I can tell it will be funny and very down to earth. Now if I can figure out how to follow it, I will and hope you will find time to read mine as well. I am still learning and make lots of mistakes. but oh well, having fun anyway. Have a Merry Christmas and looking forward to seeing you around the neighborhood.

  2. Welcome to Blog World! Your very first post is terrific. I'll be adding you to my Blog Favorites, and laughing my head off because everyone who knows my real name is going to think it's mine. They wouldn't be surprised at the "clutter" tag, either.

    Happy Holidays, Mona


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