- my ramblings of clutter, collecting and selling, thrifting, scavenging, recreating, , my etsy and ebay adventures, things I love and things I hate and growing old through it all

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The "Change"

The "fifties". The "November" of my life. The "aged wine".

Time has seemed to fly by. I look in the mirror and think "what happened?", "how did it go by so fast?", "why am I not the person I always imagined I would be?". How did I miss all this life going by and never stop to wonder who I am?

Is this the time for quiet and reinventing ? To realize the "Big Picture" and run to it. To live for the moment, to be all I want to be, to do things every day that I love and "clear and clean" the rest.

Can I still imagine a dream and live it? How I teach my children there is something behind this fast paced, keeping "up with the Jone's", more , more , more society?

It begins.