- my ramblings of clutter, collecting and selling, thrifting, scavenging, recreating, , my etsy and ebay adventures, things I love and things I hate and growing old through it all

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Selling on craigslist

Check out the stuff I've sold this week on craigslist in the pictures - a dino-metal sculpture, 1893 World's Fair Cordial Glasses, Old Mexican Pottery Pitcher and a small piece of Antique Navajo Pottery.

All of this for can be listed for free or close to free on craigslist!

I have been a selling member of ebay since 1998. I started selling rare books and progressed to selling pottery, vintage everything, previously worn designer clothes and you name it. I sold 1200 pieces of clutter with a 100% feedback rating. (I thought it was pretty impressive at the time)

After ebay got so out of hand and greedy with their fees, I looked for another selling venue. What would I do with all my clutter now? Into our life came craigslist .

At craigslist things are easy. I can list most anything but you have to deal with people coming over to see your wares but there's no shipping involved (of coarse once in awhile someone will email from another city or state). I don't specialize in anything, I love it all.

We basically, started a landscape company advertising on craigslist. We posted in the business section and ending up with many high-end customers. How great is that! We hope to start doing rainwater tanks which will hook up to your irrigation system soon.

Craigslist has got a bad rap but here's some tips - cash only (no checks, IOU's, layaway or come back in a week), I sell everything out of the carport (no one is allowed in the house), stay away from the freaks (if they sound weird on the phone, they're probably weird in person. Make up an excuse and - LET THE SALE GO)!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Thank you God, It's Over

Christmas is over! We all got through it.

I think the dogs always have the best time. They open up presents (dog treats) and then try to chew up all the wrapping paper.

I have the new Pink sweat pants on with the big Pink logo across my "bootie". I am here in the desert (Tucson) and I think it's getting ready to snow. What the heck is up with that?

My son, 25, is working on my pictures for my etsy logo etc. Hope he'll have it done soon. I really am computer illiterate. I use to know some html but it's all gone to the wayside. It's hard for me to get around these sites and figure out what I'm doing.

I got the Vintage Village badge up! Hopefully I can get the hang of this soon.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

December 21st (only 4 more days to go)

Yes, it's the first day of the blog Ramona's Clutter. The before New Year's resolution - Start a blog. Now what?

Let's discuss the point of my blog -
1. Venting - they say by writing things down, it will let all the "crap and clutter" out of your mind. Please let this be true. I have a lot of clutter in there but certainly more crap than needed!

Ramona's vent of the day - OK, it's 4 days until Xmas. The house is decorated. Yippee! The tree looks beautiful.

I have only bought one present. I'll be off tomorrow at 6:30 am to do it all. I do this every year. People think the mall is crazy. But at 6:30 am, it's like they opened it for you. There are only a few crazy people like me that go that early. I'll be done and home by 8:30 (knock on wood).

2. Talk about my loves - clutter, thrifting, junking, collecting vintage things to sell on etsy http://www.etsy.com/index.php (and hide in drawers), gardening, my pets (including husband and children)

3. Talk about the things I hate - clutter, complication, complicated computer programs, complicated directions in more than one language to cell phones, sewing machine, put together furniture and perky people who smile all the time (especially on TV like Rachel Raye. Does she ever have a bad day or bad mood? Screw her EVOO and garbage bowl)

4. Show pictures of gardens, vintage things, funny things, things I love and things I hate

5. Maybe the most important - talk about finding treasures, favorite shops and artists. I hope to have open a shop on etsy as well as keep my ebay business going. This is where I sell my clutter.

I sell a lot on craigslist. I might even have a small following of repeat customers. But I need to get
the excess things out of this house. As the saying goes - "You can't organize clutter, you can only get rid of it!"